Student Life

Health and Wellness

At Rockhurst, student success depends on the right balance of academic skills, spiritual and religious wellness, good health, and physical and mental fitness. We understand that the high school years can be among the most challenging periods in anyone’s life. To help students perform at their best, the Health and Wellness program provides a number of resources that support their physical and emotional health and inform decisions that promote their own well-being, and that of others.
Health and wellness have long been a part of Jesuit education’s rich tradition of educating the whole person as a Catholic school.  Rockhurst has taken this historically strong aspect of formation to make certain our programming reflects the needs young people face today. That curriculum encompasses every part of our student life, as Rockhurst is a community that strives for cura personalis, the care of the individual.  Our academic environment and the resources within it, our robust co-curricular program, and our foundation in Ignatian, Catholic religiosity all reinforce the forming of connective bonds that support our community toward health and wellness.