Rockhurst High School

Eight Seniors in Class of 2025 Named National Merit Semifinalists

Eight Rockhurst High School seniors have been announced as National Merit Semifinalists. They are (pictured left to right, between President David Laughlin and Fr. Principal Vincent Giacabazi, SJ): Knox Nail '25, Sam Reintjes '25, John Skoch '25, Aldric Yang '25, Noah Heinen '25, Bill Hayes '25, Jack Brackett '25, and Caleb Bridges '25.
Rockhurst's eight scholars accounted for 90% of the male Semifinalists from all KC Metro Catholic high schools.

More than 1.3 million juniors entered the 2025 competition last school year by taking the 2023 PSAT, which serves as the initial screen for program entrants. Around 50,000 earned the highest index score to qualify for National Merit Scholarship Program recognition.  Of those top students, approximately one-third, or about 16,000, are named as Semifinalists.
Looking forward to February, some 15,000 Semifinalists will be notified that they have been selected to Finalist standing.
Jack Brackett on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
“This has meant a lot to me because it represents the great growth that I have experienced during my last three years at Rockhurst. As a freshman, I struggled with the transition to high school; however, I was deeply inspired by the academic achievement of the seniors whom I met through club activities. It was by their example that I was able to chart my course at Rockhurst, and it has been through the support of the Rockhurst teachers, moderators, and coaches that I have been able to grow over these past few years, opening doors to opportunities that I would have never thought possible just three years ago.
My favorite thing about Rockhurst is its community, which is always ready to support its students no matter the endeavor. At school, I am involved with the Chamber Singers Ensemble and the Mock Trial Team. From singing in St. Peter’s Basilica to delivering arguments in a federal courtroom, these activities have provided me with incredible experiences made possible only through the sponsorship of the Rockhurst teachers, faculty, and philosophy of growing 'men for others.' This has truly helped me grow in all aspects of my life – both within and outside the classroom.
Walking into the Barry Commons that first August morning three years ago, I would have thought that I would be sitting here today, reflecting on my selection as a National Merit Semifinalist. Yet, here I am, due in large part to the support of mentors, friends, and upperclassmen at Rockhurst who have helped me grow at every step along the way. I am truly grateful for everything that Rockhurst has provided me these past three years, and I eagerly await the new experiences that this final year ahead of me will bring.
After Rockhurst, I plan on studying physics and criminal justice with the hope of pursuing a career in law."

Caleb Bridges on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
"Being selected as a National Merit Semifinalist is one of the greatest honors I’ve experienced here at Rockhurst. It is incredibly humbling to be selected alongside all of these other exceptional students to continue on the path towards a potential National Merit Scholarship. I am very excited that I have received this recognition for all my hard work here at Rockhurst, and I am so grateful that National Merit has considered me for this honor.
My favorite aspect of Rockhurst would definitely have to be the union and community that almost all of us seem to take part in. Even if not all of us are close friends with each other, we all seem to share a sort of bond that simply comes from being brothers here at Rockhurst.
One teacher that has helped me get to where I am today is my biology teacher, Mr. Vaughn. He taught my Honors Biology class my freshman year and my AP Biology class my junior year. These classes definitely helped to solidify my passion for the sciences and strengthen my desire to pursue a career in the medical field. Mr. Vaughn’s method of teaching was incredibly effective, and I truly enjoyed learning the subjects that he taught in his class.
My plan is to go to the University of Missouri-Kansas City to take part in the six-year medical program. This has been my dream for as long as I remember, and it’s my first choice for education. My goal for a long-term career is to be a physician, either in the field of cardiology or orthopedic surgery."

Bill Hayes on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
"This National Merit Semifinalist selection reminds me of how grateful I am to be at Rockhurst. Rockhurst perfectly balances a strong academic focus with fun co-curricular activities; and if I didn’t come to Rockhurst, I doubt I would have been selected as a Semifinalist.
One of my favorite things about Rockhurst is running cross country. I enjoy both the intense competition of races and the fun team-bonding experiences like going to Smoothie King after practice.
One coach who has helped me become the man I am today is Coach McAnany. I was struggling during a hard run my junior year, and Coach McAnany chose to run alongside me to help me finish. His positivity and kindness remind me to always help others even if helping them may inconvenience me.
After Rockhurst, I plan to study civil engineering and possibly design bridges in my career as an engineer. I do not know for certain where I am going to college, but I hope to attend the University of Notre Dame."

Noah Heinen on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
“The National Merit selection means a lot to me because of the opportunities it provides and the honor it gives.
My favorite thing about Rockhurst is the community aspect of it. The amount of people around me that I can rely on and talk to is overwhelming, and everyone is always looking for ways to help anyone that needs it, or make sure everyone else is succeeding.
One of the teachers at Rockhurst that helped me get to where I am today is Mr. Helt, the Speech & Debate Coach. From the moment I began doing Speech & Debate my freshman year, Mr. Helt made it clear he expected our best, both in and out of tournaments, and he and debate helped teach me work ethic, responsibility, and a way to think about problems and disagreements, as well as speech skills.
My Post-Rockhurst plans are to go to college and get a degree, although I have not fully decided on a college or a path of study yet."

Knox Nail on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
"I’m very grateful to receive the selection. I believe that it is a testament to all of the Rockhurst community and their commitment to my growth. My peers and teachers have supported me the entire time I’ve been at Rockhurst. I am definitely proud to be one of the hundreds of Rockhurst students living out the magis everyday.
Some of my favorite things about Rockhurst are our student section, the ever-present models of student leadership, and the Shawnee Mission East basketball game. Personally, I’m involved in Student Diversity Union, Chamber Choir, Volleyball, Guitar, Scholar Bowl, and Yell Leading.
One teacher that has impacted me during my time at Rockhurst is Mr. McElduff, who taught me freshman, sophomore, and now senior year. The primary lesson I learned from him (other than Spanish) is that I can voice my opinion at Rockhurst even if it contradicts the status quo. Without influence from Mr. McElduff I doubt I would have been able to achieve what I have through Student Diversity Union. The courage to stand up for what I believe in is rooted in his example.

After Rockhurst, I plan to pursue a Liberal Arts education. I hope to learn about vastly different studies and maintain my broad perception of academic focus. I am unsure about which college I will attend as well as my following career, but I hope to use my gifts to defend others and give the disregarded the attention they deserve."

Sam Reintjes on his National Merit selection:
"The National Merit Semifinalist selection is a great honor, and I believe this is only fuel to my fire, as I can’t let this honor go to waste.
My favorite thing about Rockhurst is the caring nature of the brotherhood. I often see and experience teachers or peers reaching out to struggling students, while at other schools, I believe individualism is the standard. I am involved in Chinese Club, Computer Science Club, the Giving Grove, Cross Country, Theatre, and Rockhurst Retreats.
Dr. Caughron has helped me get to where I am today because she made me love English and logical thinking. As a dyslexic, I always had trouble with reading comprehension, and that crossed over into my writing. However, Dr. Caughron sparked my love for literature and rhetoric, and I started putting in the extra effort to fully extend my abilities. 
Post-Rockhurst, I plan on going to a research based college, and studying something in STEM, most likely architecture or neurology. I have not narrowed down a long term career, but I would like to always discover new things in STEM."

John Skoch on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
"Being a Semifinalist shows how the opportunities I have had at Rockhurst have shaped and formed me academically. It's a symbol of my hard work and rigor paying off. 
I really like just how large the greater Rockhurst community is. At my job at a retirement home, I am often asked where I go to high school, and when I reply with, 'Rockhurst', they will almost always know someone remarkable who went there. For clubs, I am the president of the Automotive Club, and it's where I've met a lot of great guys who share the same interests as me. 
At Rockhurst, I have had a couple of teachers who've really inspired and helped me to get me where I am today. Dr. Caughron really helped me by being critical of my work, which led me to hone my skills as a reader and writer. On top of that, she also taught a great deal of philosophy, which I appreciated. Mr. Arico is probably the best teacher I've had at Rockhurst. The structured way he taught physics made things surprisingly straightforward and concise. He taught so well that it probably had a bit of a hand in me deciding to pursue mechanical engineering.   
After Rockhurst, I will likely go into mechanical engineering. I haven't decided on which college I will attend, but I'd ideally like to work within the automotive industry."

Aldric Yang on his National Merit Semifinalist selection:
“To me, the National Merit Semifinalist selection is a reflection of my consistent hard work in my academics.
My favorite part of Rockhurst is the supportive environment, from students cheering each other on during games and performances to teachers willing to take time outside of class to help students. In terms of activities at Rockhurst, I am involved with the Audio/Visual Tech Team, Math Club, Software Engineering Club, Chinese Lion and Dragon Dance Team, National Honors Society, and tutoring.
Teachers like Mr. Clark, Mr. LeRoy, and Dr. Caughron, just to name a few, have challenged me academically through additional information and topics, taught me how to think through different perspectives, and provided space for nuanced discussions.
Following my time at Rockhurst, I plan to major in computer science and math and pursue a career in the computer science or tech field."